DeNet was the First to Test its Product

The DeNet company announced the launch of its blockchain-startup in 2017, completed the initial phase of product testing. The test results verify the viability of the projects concept idea – a decentralized method of storing and processing information.

Internet users upload personal information about themselves and their friends and families every day. In the current conditions when the centralized network has monopoly status, these files can become available to third parties, meaning that someone can access your confidential medical records for example. One of DeNet’s main goals is to provide Internet privacy to users via its decentralized network, and to deny all potential third-party access to personal information.

According to the co-founder and DeNet CEO, Rafik Singatullin, the biggest difference between centralized and decentralized networks is in the way they store and process information. In a decentralized system data fragments are encrypted and distributed along the nodes (devices from around the world which will be lend out by other users) – therefore there is no central center for information processing like in centralized networks, meaning that there it is not possible to gain access to the personal information of others.

“In the first phase of testing we uploaded hundreds of static websites in a distributed network and were making the uploaded sites to look the way it should in a regular network by default. To do this we adjusted the fragmentation and information defragmentation algorithm. Now you can upload static sites onto our service and they will display properly, at the same time they will be inaccessible to third parties” – says Denis Shelestov, the projects technical director.

About DeNet

DeNet – is an international provider company which is developing a marketplace platform based on blockchain technology, creating  a single network out of computers, tablets and other connected devices in order to create a decentralized hosting service. DeNet is creating a stockpile of unlimited processing power for secure the secure storage and processing of information.

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