CoinCorner’s BitGreet Can Help You Send Bitcoin to Your Loved Ones with Christmas Cards

December 16, 2023         By: Asif Imtiaz

If you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast and looking to spread your love for digital currencies to your loved ones, BitGreet could turn out to be just the company you need to do so.

Isle of Man based BitGreet is offering a service that would enable potential customers to send Christmas cards along with Bitcoin to their loved ones.

CoinCorner, an exchange that offers a way for customers to buy hassle free Bitcoin, is behind the BitGreet. Its founders believe that sending gift cards with Bitcoin instead of traditional form of currency during the holidays would help spread the use of the cryptocurrency among the general population.

Especially, if a teenager gets a $10 gift via Bitcoin, they will need to find a way to spend that money and that would help build a new generation of Bitcoin users, to say the least.

Commenting on how they came up with the idea about starting a service that would allow customers to send Bitcoin along with gift cards during the holidays, the co-founder of BitGreet, Daniel Scott, said that “We were thinking of a fun way to try and increase bitcoin adoption in the office one afternoon. It was nearly Christmas at the time and we were in the festive spirit so we came up with the idea of a digital bitcoin Christmas card.”

BitGreet currency has three different Bitcoin e-cards in its catalog. Anyone interested in announcing their geekiness to friends can family can simply make a Bitcoin deposit with CoinCorner, enter the details of the receiver along with the amount, and make the transaction. BitGreet will send that exact amount to the recipient without charging any commission for the service.

Regardless of the marketing gimmicky part of the service, BitGreet is a welcome addition to the services we can now buy with Bitcoin. Currently, they are focusing on expanding their operation in the UK and EU.