You should read the small print in Capital One’s latest contract. Apparently Capital One wants the right to contact their cardholders at any time - even visiting you at home or at work.
The state of California is set to legalize bitcoin and other digital currencies as “lawful money.”
New York may be the first state to enact clear guidelines for businesses that deal in digital currencies and granting BitLicenses in the near future.
The Minnesota Twins, a Major League Baseball team, have joined the ranks of disgruntled merchants fighting Visa and MasterCard’s swipe fees.
The European Commission is likely to reject MasterCard’s appeal of the ruling that swipe-fees are anti-competitive, which may lead to a cap.
The United States’ Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has made two digital currency rules that clarify the bureau’s guidance from March of 2013.
The NYDFS concluded their two-day virtual currency hearing, which invited a host of digital currency advocates and skeptics to speak their piece.
Charlie Shrem, 24-year-old CEO of BitInstant, was arrested on charges of running an illegal money transmission business, willful failure to report suspicious transactions, and conspiracy of money laundering.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has proposed a rule that would allow it to oversee non-banking international money transfer businesses.
A federal appeals court appeared to side with the Federal Reserve at a swipe fee hearing in its appeal of Judge Leon’s ruling that the 21-cent cap was set too high.
A new antitrust suit against Visa and MasterCard has been brought up following a record $5.7 billion settlement.
In a move to further explore the state of bitcoin and to weight the pros and cons of the digital currency, the New York Department of Financial Services is planning to hold public hearings on January 28 and 29.
In an effort to make payment transactions smoother between countries, the European Union had set a deadline for businesses to migrate their payment systems over to SEPA credit transfer (SCT) and SEPA direct debit systems, as opposed to the fractured, country by country system they currently rely on.
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has ruled that bitcoin miners in most cases do not have to register as money transmitters.
Two class-action lawsuits involving American Express have been settled, and may change merchants’ relationship with card-issuers.