Guest Column
From ATMs to mobile phones, Jose Diaz, Director of Payment Strategy with Thales e-Security, breaks down the evolution of digital payments...
Since Millennials’ on-the-cusp habits start trends, we all study the way Millennials shop.
When integrated properly, APIs have the power to facilitate beautifully symbiotic relationships.
The top predictions for payments security, as well as the challenges and opportunities businesses will face this year as these prediction...
Ready or not, consumers will expect mobile payments as a convenience in the years to come.
In the last six months, we have seen major platforms compete and sometimes struggle, for market share as more retailers and tech companie...
Consumers and enterprises alike are rapidly adopting new technologies that will accelerate the pace of change in banking.
Each and every one of the last few years has been heralded in the payment and retail industries as the “Year of Bitcoin” and every on...
Invisible payments are popping up all over the collaborative economy landscape.
Which emerging mobile payment application will be the answer to the growing payment card fraud problem?
If you’re not hearing about EMV (or chip-and-pin) enough already, you’ll be bombarded with the term in coming months, as the EMV dead...
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