Corduro’s PayMobile App Goes Social
Corduro has announced that its PayMobile application will be integrating customer rewards and social incentives for business owners who use the app, Technorati reports.
Like with other payment apps, users have the ability to buy from and pay merchants with a digital wallet that is linked to a credit card or bank account. User information is encrypted, and PIN codes serve as an extra layer of security. PayMobile’s current breakthrough allows businesses to create marketing campaigns, rewards and promotions, and collect customer data.
There are strong indications that mobile transactions are set to become a staple of payment options, as businesses like Starbucks report an increasing number of people paying through mobile methods. Starbucks’ mobile payment app reputedly processes over 4.5 million transactions a week.
Customer data is becoming a premium, and PayMobile’s initiative will allow merchants and marketers to parse a customer’s “location, interests, loyalty and community influence.” This is valuable information that will measure the effectiveness of campaigns, and allow the tailoring of specific campaigns for different markets. Social engagement is the next step in providing a better customer experience, and PayMobile is leading the way by bridging the social gap between both the buyers and sellers.