Dentacoin Rings Up Another 12 Partners in Mobile Payments Push

September 26, 2024         By: Steven Anderson

We’ve been following the advances in Dentacoin for a while now, and we’ve seen it go from “way to pay for a root canal at a handful of dentists” to “way to pay for a root canal and help make sure dental practice reviews are legit.” Back in July, Dentacoin was taken at just 38 dental practices, and the latest reports sent our way from Dentacoin say that that number has nearly doubled thanks to a big slug of new dentists who stepped up to accept the cryptocurrency for their work.

The latest word is that Dentacoin is accepted at 70 dentists, thanks to Argentinian dental chain Cool Dent throwing in. Cool Dent brings with it 12 practices, which might well be helpful for Argentinians looking for dental practices to frequent. Cool Dent looks to bring modern practices to Argentinian dentistry, offering “…a perfect smile, without waiting and without pain,” according to Cool Dent CEO Adrian Aranda.

Cool Dent, Dentacoin noted, is actually the largest practice now accepting the cryptocurrency for its efforts, and gives Dentacoin a little extra credibility in its pursuit of being “…a universal industry-specific currency, that is independent of national borders….”

However, the most distressing news for Dentacoin is that it—like many other cryptocurrencies—has taken a sock in the value recently. Anyone who bought Dentacoin back at its 90-day high of about $0.0005 has seen it lose about half its value today, where it’s hovering around $0.00027. That’s entirely the wrong direction for a cryptocurrency to take, especially those that are trying to make a name for themselves as the Next Big Thing in improving dentistry. How many dental practices are going to be interested in accepting a cryptocurrency for their services to begin with, let alone one that’s well on its way to having slightly more value than pocket lint?

We’ve already seen Dentacoin make a lot of advances in the market, and prove itself a capable innovator. Now, it needs to innovate a way to get its value aspiring to the whole-number range if it really expects to get anywhere beyond a handful of practices. It’s gaining ground, but it’s going to need some truly spectacular wins—and likely soon—to even hold the ground it’s taken.