Gilbarco Veeder-Root Rolls Out Latest Version of EMV Mobile Payments At Fuel Islands

August 6, 2024         By: Steven Anderson

It’s been a while since we last heard about advances from the Europay, Mastercard, Visa (EMV) standard, but this powerful new protection system in mobile payments has come a long way. One of the latest new developments in the EMV space came to us in an announcement from Gilbarco Veeder-Root, who noted that its Passport Version 11.02 was set to arrive in ExxonMobil operations.

Gilbarco’s EMV technology has been around for quite some time, having got its start with Landmark Industries out of Houston. Landmark owns fully 240 convenience stores under several separate brands, and is moving its own ExxonMobil stations to take Gilbarco’s EMV technology. Gilbarco has had an excellent opportunity to refine its product since it was one of the first firms to get in play, and Landmark is just one of the firms that’s eager to get EMV systems in place.

Landmark’s Steve Poncik, its director of service, noted “Our efforts to rapidly upgrade as many sites as possible with this software has offered our customers peace of mind that Landmark is doing its part to reduce fraud and keep them moving down the road. We’re starting the rollout at our ExxonMobil sites, and are also already testing the Passport EMV release on some of our sites with other brands as well, so we can get to outdoor EMV across our network as quickly as possible.”

EMV’s protective capabilities are well-known by now, and have gone a long way toward making mobile payments safer as well. By setting up EMV with gas pumps, that improves the chances that pay-at-the-pump will go smoothly. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me much if Gilbarco were looking into a car connection, especially given how many car companies were looking into pump interfaces that let customers pay wirelessly from their cars.

In the end, it’s good enough that Gilbarco, and companies like it, are in play in the field, helping protect mobile payments users with the power of the EMV standard. Offering more use cases for EMV certainly helps matters as well, and makes mobile payments not only easier, but also safer, to use.