MYPINPAD’s PIN on Mobile Technology Piloted in Poland. Mastercard and eService begin testing new technology, where a smartphone can act as payment terminal

December 20, 2023         By: Payment Week

Warsaw, December 20, 2018: MYPINPAD, the global leader in payment acceptance and customer authentication solutions, is delighted that Mastercard and eService have announced a pilot implementation of the LitePOS solution enabling smartphones, featuring MYPINPAD technology, to fulfil the functions that have been so far reserved for payment terminals. LitePOS operates based on the innovative “PIN on Mobile” technology. The combination of a smartphone and a Secure Card Reader makes it possible to safely accept card payments in the amounts exceeding PLN 50, which requires entering the PIN code. This is the first such implementation on the Polish market, and one of the first three in Europe. Several hundred eService customers can participate in the pilot, which will last until June 2019.

The technology tested in the pilot includes equipping Android smartphones or tablets (starting from 7.0 Nougat version) with eService LitePOS app and an attached Secure card Reader, This set makes it possible to create an affordable and fully mobile solution supporting transactions made using contactless and chip payment cards. One of the most important features of the new solution is maintaining highest security standards. As a result, it becomes possible to accept card transactions with a smartphone, and their value does not have to be limited to PLN 50, i.e. the maximum amount that does not require entering the PIN. Mastercard is responsible for the certification of the solution ensuring the security of all transactions.

The commencing pilot is aimed at testing the new solution in market conditions. Further improvements to the solution will be introduced during the pilot, based on the feedback from participating entrepreneurs. The end result will be developing the LitePOS’s final design and conduct final tests during the last phase of the pilot.

David Poole, Global Head of Mobile Solutions, MYPINPAD said: “We are delighted that MYPINPAD’s PIN on Mobile technology is being deployed as part of eService’s new mobile payment solution. We commend eService’s industry leadership for bringing this transformational technology to the Polish market. PIN on Mobile is set to revolutionise in-store payments in 2019.”

The planned market tests were preceded by qualitative opinion research conducted among around a dozen of entrepreneurs. They assessed the new technology, the way of installing the application and the ease of use of the set. The innovation proposed by Mastercard and eService has been positively received. Participants of the research expressed their willingness to use this type of device for their businesses. The advantages of the new technology have been mostly appreciated by entrepreneurs who provide services “on the go”, in a mobile way, such as couriers and taxi drivers. They also attracted the interest of entrepreneurs who accept card payments relatively rarely — beauty parlours, plumbers, photographers or construction industry professionals.

According to the latest survey carried out by Mastercard entitled “Entrepreneur in a cashless world”, one of the most frequent reasons for not accepting card payments are the associated costs. It is indicated by 10% of the surveyed representatives of the SME sector. The LitePOS technology is a response to the expectations and capabilities of small businesses. It enables companies to minimize the necessary infrastructure and costs. In addition, an increasing number of customers using payment cards means that the investment associated with card acceptance pays off faster. Almost half (49%) of entrepreneurs in the Mastercard survey says that the number of card transactions made by their customers has increased over the last year. The same percentage believes that having a payment terminal positively influenced the development of their business.




MYPINPAD is global leader in payment and authentication software solutions. Our proprietary touchscreen technology secures the input of sensitive information in to smart devices creating a trusted and hardened environment that protects consumer data. MYPINPAD builds innovative, scalable solutions that remove the complexity payment acceptance and customer authentication.