LENSEC Celebrates “World-Class” Customer Support Team

August 31, 2024         By: Payment Week

HOUSTON, Aug. 31, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — In the past year the LENSEC customer support team has faced numerous technical and logistical challenges, including new ownership, staff expansion, customer growth, and most recently, an historic hurricane. This knowledgeable and steadfast group has overcome these obstacles daily with professionalism and grace to close more support cases and provide its highest level of quality support in LENSEC’s 19-year history.

The support team consists of technical physical security experts located at our U.S. headquarters as well as global field locations. The team is graded on responsiveness, technical knowledge, solutions design, and customer retention. The 2016-2017 term was LENSEC’s most successful span by all customer support metrics when compared with previous years.

LENSEC offers customer services and support programs sustaining Perspective VMS®, an enterprise-class, video management software. Services include upgrade assistance, lifecycle management, hardware health remote monitoring, and comprehensive onsite engineering.

LENSEC benefits from tremendous product development, field testing, and quality control support by offices throughout the United States, Jordan, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Special commendation goes to our customer support team in the U.S. for uninterrupted customer service during the perilous events of Hurricane Harvey, which has been devastating to Houston.

Chief Product Officer, Jeff Kellick, praises the support team for a job well done in difficult circumstances. Due to flooding, our Houston-based support team and staff have been unable to drive to headquarters as the citywide emergency is underway.

Kellick says, “During this time, our support team has worked remotely from their homes to ensure customers’ security issues continue to be addressed and their video management systems maintained in operation. In my estimation, this is going above and beyond the call of duty. LENSEC’s support team has stepped up to the challenge. We’d like to offer our thanks for doing an excellent job when doing the job hasn’t been easy.”

Our entire team has pulled together during this challenging time. However, the leadership team at LENSEC wants to call out the following personnel for outstanding commitment to our customers and note their term employment:

LENSEC Operations & Customer Support Team
Ed Rister, Director of Operations – 2009
Nick Stigers, Sr. Systems Support Engineer – 2008
Larry McClelland, Sr. Tech Support Representative – 2004
Rodney Curvey, Tech Support Representative – 2015
Gilbert Bueno, Tech Support Representative – 2016
Suzanne Caruana, Tech Support Representative – 2017
Brad Womack, Sr. Systems Analyst – 2008

LENSEC Field Support Team
Dan Butler, Regional Director – 2007
Almen Didelija, Sr. Applications Engineer – 2003
Mike Fedor, Sr. Project Manager – 2000
Chris Dowell, Sr. Project Manager – 2001
Robert Diem, Field Service Technician – 2008
David Arellano, Field Service Technician – 2013
Marcial Torres, Project Manager – 2010

Please join LENSEC in recognizing this team’s world-class service. Contact your LENSEC customer support member directly or by email at [email protected]. Our offices are open weekdays 6 am to 6 pm central time, with 24/7 emergency on-call support offered.