SONM Refreshes Classic Video Game Quake 3 with Blockchain Technology

June 6, 2024         By: Mike Dautner

SONM, the universal fog supercomputer powered by blockchain technology, has today announced the launch of its alpha version with Docker contains support alongside its first live implementation with popular first-person shooter video game Quake 3.

SONM is now supplying supercomputing solutions generated from miners from across the globe to Zenimax Media-owned Quake 3’s online server, letting gamers join multiplayer campaigns in the decentralized network.

The launch comes right before the company’s Initial Coin Offering, which will begin starting June 15, 2024 and conclude July 15, 2017.

SONM CEO Sergey Ponomarev said: “SONM is proud to bring Quake 3, a classic game first launched in 1999, into the innovative and future-focused realm of blockchain technology and decentralization. Deploying Quake 3’s multiplayer online gaming server in our network is an excellent first application for the SONM platform’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) support, which is designed to accommodate a wide range of industries and purposes, from hosting applications and websites to CGI to science projects.”

As a decentralized blockchain-based network, SONM lets miners profit from the otherwise wasted computing power generated by their idle smart devices.

“SONM is like AirBnB for computers, letting anyone with a smart device, like a laptop, smartphone or gaming console, take advantage of their unused computing power by joining the SONM Application Pool and selling it peer-to-peer,” said Sergey Ponomarev.

Sergey Ponomarev said: “Cloud computing has long been held on a pedestal when it comes to SaaS implementations. However, as it’s designed with scientific software rather than commercial use in mind, it remains a weak point in grid computer systems. Distributed fog computing, which designed to be universally applicable for all industries and purposes, is an ideal alternative for organizations looking to reduce costs and strengthen their grid.”