Arsenal Taps WorldRemit for Official Online Money Transfer Partner
Endorsements from sports teams are nothing new; seems like every time an Olympic games rolls around, someone’s eager to be the official whatever of said event. WorldRemit, meanwhile, recently landed its own official status, as it became the official online money transfer system of Premier League Club member Arsenal.
With the new partnership, WorldRemit now has access to various rights, including access to players to use in promotions and the like, to promote its operations. Moreover, the agreement calls for match-day LED branding for a range of matches, including Premier League, League Cup, and FA Cup. It’s got backdrop presence for every interview on Premier League matches, as well as complete digital and social media rights throughout the Arsenal’s various online and mobile operations.
There’s even word that WorldRemit, along with Arsenal players, will be creating completely new and unique content to support community engagements. WorldRemit customers will even get access to a slate of special events designed to promote mobile money transfer with soccer support. The partnership itself will officially launch with contests to win travel to London to watch Arsenal play at Emirates Stadium.
Arsenal’s chief commercial officer, Vinai Venkatesham, noted “This is an exciting new partnership with WorldRemit who under their inspirational CEO are looking to transform the way people can transfer money to family and friends around the world. We share mutual values and look forward to working together to build their global presence through our broadcast, social and digital channels which reach millions around the world. We look forward to a long and successful partnership.”
There’s always something to be said for the endorsements of sports figures. After all, people pay attention to sports figures and some will go so far as to emulate same. When a mobile money transfer system becomes the official one of a certain sports team, some may well use that status as the last factor among several to make a decision on which to use. Some won’t even bother with the other factors and “support their team” by patronizing its sponsors.
It’s a safe bet that WorldRemit will see some substantial gains here by putting support behind Arsenal, so in the end, it’s likely a win-win for both sides.