Retale Adds “Clip to Card” Coupon Functionality

October 30, 2024         By: Steven Anderson

Coupons can be a wonderful thing. Just ask the horde of “extreme couponers” out there that get huge amounts of groceries for pennies just by stacking promotions and working the angles. Most people will never see that level of success, of course—manufacturer restrictions often prevent it—but there’s still cash to be saved with a little help from coupons. It’s even getting mobile-simple, meanwhile, thanks to a new push from Retale.

Retale recently rolled out the “Clip to Card” feature for its mobile app, which allows users to effectively search for relevant coupons and then save these offers to the app. The app can then route through a loyalty card—which is another feature Retale recently added, a mobile wallet for physical loyalty cards—to apply the relevant discounts while in the store itself.

Retale’s managing director, Nels Stromborg, commented “In order to create a successful shopping resource and experience for consumers today, you need to create a dynamic environment where all the tools consumers need are right at their fingertips. Clip To Card tackles these expectations head-on, providing added value and functionality for our users.”

The concept is a sound one; people like coupons, but they’re often more trouble than the comparatively meager savings are worth. Keeping coupons on hand from one week to the next, keeping track of what coupons apply where, and then presenting said coupons at the register just slows the whole process down for everyone. It’s particularly slow for those people in line behind the coupon user.

This system, meanwhile, speeds the whole process up, gets more people through the same line faster, and thus improves not only the customer experience for every customer in the line, but also improves the bottom line for businesses. It’s not hard to see this catching on with users, and even businesses may want to throw some promotional muscle behind it to encourage users to route their business into the app.

Mobile payments are all about improving the overall experience with mobile technology. The Clip to Card feature of Retale may be one major new step forward in terms of providing that best experience.