
Experian Identified as a Leading Player in the Fraud Detection and Prevention Space

August 19, 2024         By: Mike Dautner

Experian has been selected as one of the leading players in the fraud detection and prevention space in Juniper Research’s Online Payment Fraud Strategies report.

“The Juniper report highlights the need for companies to have sophisticated, real-time fraud screening solutions that detect the latest fraud patterns and behaviors while providing a safer and more enjoyable experience for their customers,” said Steve Platt, global executive vice president, Fraud and Identity, Experian. “This is exactly what we’ve been doing at Experian with our recent introduction of CrossCore.”

Juniper Research, one of the leading global analyst firms in the mobile and digital technology sector, evaluated fraud management companies with factors like size, financial performance, global reach, product range, number of clients and strength of partnerships in mind.

It the selected the most high-performing vendors based on their ability to handle the unrelenting threat of fraud.

Juniper provides the most comprehensive and progressive analysis of the digital commerce market in its market-leading Commerce & Fintech research.

“We are seeing a rapid increase in online fraud attacks from every corner of the world,” said Platt. “Companies need a new approach to managing their fraud protection landscape, one that gives them ultimate control over their entire risk exposure while allowing them to quickly implement new protections without writing new code or building new models.”