
Purse Merchants Launches to Allow Users to Sell Products to Anyone Using Bitcoin

April 1, 2024         By: Mike Dautner

Purse, the Bitcoin startup that allows its customers to buy from Amazon using Bitcoin launched Purse Merchants.

The new service will allow users to sell on Amazon and accept Payment with Bitcoin. Recently Purse got $1.3 million funds from venture capitals and started the process of expanding its product offerings.

“Sell almost any item direct to your customers without the need for a brick and mortar store or complicated online market place.

We give you the tools you need to focus on your product and grow your business,” says Purse on their overview page.

This unique online marketplace will also offer an Escrow service for buyer and sellers, where the shopper will put the funds in an Escrow account with Purse.

Once the seller or merchant ships the product and the buyer confirms that the product has arrived and they are happy with it, Purse will release the funds to the merchants.

Industry experts who have followed the company for a while says that this third party Escrow service may prove to be one of the best value propositions of Purse Merchants that will enable it to differentiate its business model from competing services in the future.

Some of the market commentators also mentioned that with the launch of Purse Merchants, the marketplace is now mimicking Etsy, which facilitates peer-to-peer transactions.

But, with Purse, users can lower their transaction costs as it uses Bitcoin instead of traditional expensive banking channels.

Commenting on the launch of Purse Merchants, Thomas Hunt, the community manager of Purse, said that “If you have any items around the house you can open a shop and sell them for bitcoin.”

“This [Purse] is a great way for people who don’t have bitcoin to try it out,” he added.

Mr. Hunt also mentioned that unlike other Bitcoin marketplaces, where sellers are allowed to sell anything, that often turned them into gray markets, Purse will remain a curated marketplace that will cater to only legitimate businesses trying to market their products online using Bitcoin.