
First Data’s Clover Mini Shows Versatility in Payments Acceptance

June 17, 2024         By: Steven Anderson

There’s no shortage of options out there when it comes to mobile payment systems. Apple fans can go with Apple Pay, Android Pay can come in for those opposed to Apple, and a host of other systems are on hand that work on a variety of fronts.

But for the merchants out there, the surfeit of systems is less an opportunity and more a terrible obstacle. Merchants need infrastructure to handle mobile payments systems, and no one wants to turn away a potential sale because the customer wants to use Samsung Pay while the business is set up for Apple Pay.

To that end, though, First Data may have a solution in the Clover Mini, a tablet-based point of sale (POS) system that offers a lot of versatility.

The Clover Mini is set to accept near field communications (NFC) payments from several different payment options, ranging from Apple Pay and Android Pay to even the upcoming Samsung Pay, which will cover a good chunk of the waterfront. It boasts a card slot that accepts chip and PIN cards, as well as a PIN pad, several USB ports, and both an Ethernet cable port and Wi-Fi connectivity, meaning that it should be able to connect under most any circumstances.

It was originally designed to compete with small-scale POS systems like the Poynt, a POS system brought out by Osama Bedier, formerly of Google Wallet.

But the Clover Mini has some clear advantages over its competitors, including a counter-based unit and a version geared toward mobile sales, allowing businesses to branch out if need be while still operating from a central location.

The next question on a lot of minds will likely be one of price.

Sadly, First Data can’t say exactly what the price is on the Clover Mini for one very good reason; First Data deals with several different banks that offer the units up for sale, so the price can vary based on region.

However, given that the Poynt unit sells for around $300, it’s a safe bet that the Clover Mini won’t go too far beyond that so as to remain competitive. There are, however, even more attractively-priced units out there, including the Square EMV and NFC reader, which comes in at a meager $50.

The race may be tight for mobile payment terminal providers right now, but this could be the beginning of a major trend.

With so many choices in the field, it’s reasonable to think that more merchants will start looking to mobile payment options to offer better versatility and a better response to customers’ wishes.

The market is still shaping up, so businesses will have plenty of time to make necessary considerations, but those businesses that prepare for the onslaught properly will likely have the best response. Being able to handle several different payment types right now will be a huge plus, so units like the Clover Mini will likely be one of many POS systems with a focus on versatility.