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Bitcoin: New Information Suggests Nick Szabo Is Satoshi Nakamoto

May 18, 2024         By: Michael Cheng

The New York Times released gripping insights that support the true identity of bitcoin pioneer Satoshi Nakamoto. Nick Szabo, the man who everyone assumes to be Nakamoto, might really be him.

Contrary to popular belief, bitcoin was not created on a whim. It took several decades to build a unique virtual currency system that leverages advanced cryptography. During this time, Szabo laid out the foundation of bitcoin with a group of determined individuals.

Many believe he is Naktamoto due to his revolutionary contributions to the community. Before bitcoin, Szabo backed another virtual currency called bit gold, and wrote an in-depth paper on the mechanics of the cryptocurrency. The article was notably published in 2008, before the first bitcoin post was unveiled.

To cover his tracks, Szabo altered the date of the bit gold paper to make the post appear that it was published after the widely circulated bitcoin article written by Nakamoto.

“The number of linguistic similarities between Szabo’s writing and the Bitcoin paper is uncanny, none of the other possible authors were anywhere near as good of a match,” stated Dr. Jack Grieve, lecturer in Forensic Linguistics at Aston University.

New data uncovered by the leading news establishment points to Szabo’s active past in the digital currency space. In 2014, he was closely linked to a Palo Alto-based bitcoin startup called Vaurum. Szabo helped transform the company by developing tools that automate financial transactions.

During his involvement, people who worked closely with him were convinced that he was indeed Nakamoto, based on his vast expertise in cryptocurrency. Szabo left the company in late 2014, when bitcoin started receiving considerable media coverage.

Experts revealed that Nakamoto currently owns over one million bitcoins, which were likely mined during the inception of the virtual currency.