Long John Silver’s Turns to Ingenico to Make Mobile the Catch of the Day

April 16, 2015 by
Long John Silver’s Turns to Ingenico to Make Mobile the Catch of the Day

Those out there hungry for a little fried food—and let’s be honest, every so often we all crave a little fat-laden, crunchy fish, shrimp or chicken—are likely already familiar with the menu of their nearest Long John Silver’s.

But for those who want to put mobile payments to work to make this fast food choice an even faster food choice, Ingenico is about to prove a major help, set to take on upgrades to Long John Silver’s payment infrastructure.

Ingenico Group offered up the announcement that Long John Silver’s will be putting Ingenico’s systems to work, bringing fresh upgrades to over 580 different locations, allowing the businesses to accept both magnetic stripe and Europay, MasterCard, Visa (EMV) transactions, while also leaving the door open to bring in near-field communications (NFC) transactions.

The change was brought around, according to Long John Silvers’, as a means to both accommodate changes that would be taking place shortly—the move to chip-based cards in October—and to accommodate changes that would be coming in on a somewhat more gradual level — the move to mobile payments.

Following an evaluation process covering several different technologies, the nod went to Ingenico thanks to its experience in the field and the ability to work with some of the current infrastructure in place at the restaurants, thus helping to save substantial amounts of upgrade costs.

It’s hard to pass up an opportunity to make a major upgrade in terms of payment systems while still being able to use much of the same infrastructure that’s already in place.

That’s no doubt a big part of the decision for Long John Silver’s, and being ready for several major changes in the payment arena certainly can’t hurt either.

Long John Silver’s therefore improves the customer experience, while at the same time protecting itself against potential legal issues all in one stroke, a measure that should end quite well.

This will be increasingly important, too; consider the number of customers out there looking to get in on mobile payments, and the idea that people could pay for a meal right from the car, without having to handle currency, might be one of the most welcome parts of the whole process.

It’s going to be interesting to see what the customer reaction to this is when it finally gets in place. For right now, however, if anyone out there gets the oppor-tuna-ty to see how Long John Silver’s new payment structure works, let minnow.

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