Apple Is Still Offering PayPal Credit in the UK
Despite the rivalry between PayPal and Apple Pay is just beginning in the United States, Apple seems to be still offering PayPal Credit to its customers across the pond in the United Kingdom.
Apple’s landing page for PayPal credit appears to be still offering the 0% interest installment option to its customers in the UK.
Under the PayPal Credit payment plan, customers can pay regular monthly installment without incurring any additional interest charge. “Pay the same amount each month to help you plan better. Fixed interest from 0% applies for the length of the installment plan,” Apple’s website claimed. Apple is currently offering the 0% interest option for the first 12 months only.
However, if buyers select an installment options higher than 12 months, a 14.9% standard interest rate would be applicable. For example, a monthly installment payment for a £1200 product would cost customers £100, but on a 24 month payment plan, the same product would cost them £1,382.38. There is an easy to use payment calculator on Apple’s website where customer can figure out how much the monthly payments would turn out.
Customers can avail PayPal Credit for buying any product that costs at least £99 (Euro). The process seems to be simply selecting the installment option during the checkout process and it’s hardly any different than paying with other options.
Apple recently dropped the PayPal Credit option from its US stores and opted for the Barclaycard Visa option. Experts close the Apple mentioned that there is a chance that Apple UK would take similar action and may phase out PayPal Credit.
Currently, Apple is also offering 0% interest during a promotional period. Once, the promotional period is over, it would cost customers in the United States up to 26.99% interest to under the Barclaycard Visa instant finance option depending on the creditworthiness of the customers.