
PCI Council Calls for Collaborative Effort to Secure the Future of Payments

September 22, 2024         By: Ellen Red

The PCI Security Standards Council – an open global forum for the development of security standards in the payment card industry – has called for better collaboration on strong industry-led standards to protect payment data.

Against the backdrop of the recent cyber threats affecting many businesses in the U.S., the PCI Council gathered over 1,200 payment security experts at its annual North American PCI community meeting held in September in Orlando, Florida.

Stephen Orfei, General Manager of PCI SSC, told the PCI community, “We are the good guys, fighting the good fight, and we are going to unite with you against our common enemy, organized crime.”

The General Manager of PCI SSC further said that collaboration is vital to securing the future of payments.

During the Orlando meeting, the PCI Council also called for following:

-Technology solutions that devalue and protect data; and

-Vigilance in making payment security a business-as-usual practice.

Attendees of the PCI gathering were also encouraged to understand the PCI standards, services and solutions; as well as the approaches to security and how to apply these security approaches to the current business environment.

PCI announced that the Orlando meeting is the first of the three community meetings to be held this year. The second PCI community meeting will be held in Berlin on October 7-9, 2014; while the third meeting will be held in Sydney on November 18-19, 2014.

The PCI Council, founded in 2006, has over 650 participating organizations representing processors, vendors, merchants, and banks from around the globe.