
Google Wallet Adds Orders Package Tracking

March 13, 2024         By: Kevin Xu

As mobile wallet companies are scrambling to add new feature sets to make their offerings more enticing, Google is bolstering its own Wallet to make it more inviting for consumers to use.

If you’ve ever wondered, “Where’s my stuff?” after an online purchase, Google Wallet will now have the answer.

Google Wallet is being updated with Orders, which will track open and past orders by parsing Gmail.

Once Orders is activated, online order updates and notifications will be pushed to the Google Wallet app so online purchase statuses and histories can be kept in a sort of online orders hub.

It will also allow for contacting the online merchant with one-touch, just in case questions and issues arise.

Google Wallet is available for both Android and iOS.

While most smart devices are very capable of mobile payments, adding a feature like Orders to Google Wallet seems to be a way to consolidate both physical retail shopping, and online retail.

There might be some redundancy if a mobile device user is also using Google Now and Gmail, since both apps automatically track packages.

However, if Google Wallet is to become the central app for online and offline commerce, it’s a likely welcome addition.

It’s only available in the U.S. for now.