Merchant Link and Mocapay Get Together For New Mobile Payment Alliance

December 4, 2024         By: Steven Anderson

With the growing numbers of mobile payment solutions out in the market today, and the ever-spiraling numbers of competitors that it in turn represents, it’s not surprising to see some firms start to make alliances in a bid to shore up areas of competitive weakness and better mobilize areas of strength.

One such alliance recently took place between Merchant Link and Mocapay, which will bring together a new combination of Mocapay’s mobile payment system, as well as its marketing platform, to Merchant Link’s lineup of products.

With the new Mocapay alliance, according to reports from Merchant Link, the company will get a completely new product to offer its current clientele, while giving Mocapay in turn a whole new presence in the hospitality sector.

Not only that, but Merchant Link’s security offerings will likewise get a boost from Mocapay’s advancements in tokenized transaction processing, a development which many have acknowledged to be an important advance in the field of mobile payments as a whole.

Under the terms of the alliance, merchants using the Merchant Link product line will be able to start offering mobile transaction services as well as the ability to interact with merchant brands from several different mobile devices.

With that comes the ability to make credit card purchases, use gift cards—as well as purchase of the same—and get in on a variety of merchant-based promotions like loyalty programs. Since Merchant Link’s systems are currently found in over 300,000 locations, covering retail, hotel and restaurant locations alike, it’s clear that Mocapay will end up with some impressive new lines of business as a result.

But Mocapay isn’t the only winner here; far from it. Merchant Link also lands a new and valuable connection in mobile payments, and with 300,000 locations plus looking for new ways to draw in customers and keep old customers as well, it’s a great time for Merchant Link to have a new offering on hand.

The holiday shopping season has officially started, and those shoppers looking for gifts for Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Christmas alike will want to be able to pay for those things quickly, safely and easily with mobile payment options.

By connecting to Mocapay, Merchant Link gets a platform that should accomplish that task nicely, and makes it more likely to secure its own customer base in the process.