Gemalto Selected to Provide EMV Solution for Total Group’s AS24

October 2, 2024 by

It’s not just merchants and retailers who are prepping for next year’s EMV shift. Various companies deploying payment cards are also hopping on to EMV to increase security, expand functionality, and reduce the threat of data breaches.

AS24, a subsidiary of Total Group and a leading energy provider, has teamed up with Gemalto to provide EMV fuel payment cards.

Gemalto will be providing its Optelio smartcard to enable EMV security across AS24’s 750 fuel stations in 27 countries.

Optelio grants fleet manager exacting control over fuel fill ups, including when, and how much fuel can be purchased.

According to Philippe Cambriel, President for Europe, Mediterranean and CIS at Gemalto, “The retail sector is an important growth driver for Gemalto. “Drawing on our proven track record in EMV migration projects for financial institutions, Gemalto is committed to supporting oil retailers such as AS24 when transitioning to EMV. We also plan to work with other types of retailers such as convenience stores as they’re planning to switch their private label portfolio to EMV.”

This is just one in a string of deals that have propelled Gemalto to become one of the leading global providers of EMV and smartcard solutions. Gemalto also recently partnered with China Mobile to provide contactless payments for commuters.

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