NFC Enabled iPhone a Reality Thanks to ISIS and AT&T

January 21, 2024         By: David Mindich

Good news for iPhone users out there who really, really, want to pay for things with NFC. According to an Engadget leak, mobile payment enthusiasts will be able to utilize an NFC enabled iPhone by purchasing a new case through AT&T.

After all but cornering the market for NFC payments on the US’s three largest wireless networks, it appears ISIS is looking to get its hands on a piece of the Apple pie through this endeavor. Or, maybe, they’re hoping iPhone users may be a bit more enthusiastic about their services than their Android counterparts (Google Play’s customer rating for the service is currently at a painful 2.5/5).

The device, known as the Incipeo Cashwrap, is apparently already in AT&T’s inventory, though an official announcement hasn’t been made yet. The Cashwrap will be similar in size to a charge-case, and other than its $70 dollar price tag, there isn’t much more information on the product as of yet.

At the size of a charge-case, we’re really hoping that charging the phone will be a secondary (or even primary) function of the device, for Incipeo’s sake. Getting people to shift to mobile payments has proved to be a difficult task on its own, attempting to get consumers to throw down $70 dollars for an NFC enabled iPhone seems almost impossible.

Anyone who is isn’t already searching for the device on AT&T’s website may want to wait around a bit, as a new mobile payment patent by Apple has hinted that a true NFC enabled iPhone may still be in the cards.